Equipment Provision
Nowadays, there are so many innovative items that make massive improvements to people’s daily life for reasonable prices yet they aren’t available through government funding. If you are considering buying any equipment Whole Support Services will help you find the best items to meet your needs through an equipment assessment. Whatever the item, there are often safety considerations that mean an assessment is useful.
The Occupational Therapist looks at your situation holistically and provides you with advice about suitable purchases and often inexpensive strategies to improve how you complete tasks and ensure you purchase only the most appropriate items.

The benefits of using Whole Support Services to assist your equipment purchases include:
- An efficient service that brings you only the most suitable options on the market that will meet your needs now and in the long term in the most cost-effective manner.
- You receive practical items that save your time and energy while looking sleek and suiting your home décor. People who don’t need them will want to use them because they are so innovative.
- Equipment training will ensure you get the confidence and independence to use your items to their full capacity.
The assessment has two independent parts. The first part is the assessment and purchase and the second part is training. Having the first part does not commit you to proceed with the second part. Ongoing reviews are also available if you have a degenerative condition and your needs may change.

Occupational Therapy Assessments
These Occupational Therapy Assessments are a detailed report that outlines an individual’s health or injury situation, their social context, their abilities to manage their daily living tasks, how those are affected by their health condition or injury, and existing equipment and strategies that assist the person.
It also recommends solutions to improve any issues arising. These reports can be tailored if specific instructions are given by an agency. They have been used by clients to seek renewed cover by ACC and to support immigration applications.
Support Letters
Individuals with disabilities can use grants from different organisations to obtain many items of equipment that MOH or ACC won’t fund (for example, vehicles, vehicle modifications, scooters, specialised mobility equipment or communication devices) to achieve better access to the community and improved quality of life.
If you find an organization that can help you and you need an Occupational Therapy Support Letter with your application, Whole Support Services can help within a fast time frame via telehealth or face-to-face.