Live Well

This is for those people who consider themselves to be in crisis. The significant medical condition may have struck you unexpectedly, or have built up to a crisis point. 

Developing a significant medical condition interrupts the expected course of a family’s life and causes stress in all the members. Invisible symptoms and different opinions about what is the best course of action to take creates strife and tension. The barriers to maintaining the normal routines and achieving recovery or rehabilitation seem insurmountable. Maybe the symptoms are invisible and you are tired of putting on a brave face for the world.

You had your hands full before it happened, or the plates you are spinning are starting to fall and smash. You find that funded / free support is insufficient for your needs. The medical condition is all-consuming and there are seemingly no end to the struggle in sight. You feel like the world is against you and you can’t get ahead to help yourself or your family.

Your family is overwhelmed and this is causing strife. The family might be divided, stressed, frustrated, communicating poorly and finding it hard to cope. Feelings are constantly being hurt as blame and negativity flies around.

Your family is overwhelmed and this is causing strife. The family might be divided, stressed, frustrated, communicating poorly and finding it hard to cope. Feelings are constantly being hurt as blame and negativity flies around.

Everyone is suffering at home and its affecting school, work, hobbies and health. Things just aren’t like they used to be. There’s no clear path to regain what you lost. Adversity lies in every direction.

It doesn’t have to be like this.

All your family members can leave the crisis and stress behind and live well again. With Occupational therapy from Whole Support Services your family can reclaim the situation. Everyone will adjust to the new reality and find new perspectives and opportunities. You will become an empowered, cohesive family who can access information, services and inner resources to address the needs of any situations that arise.


  • Understand the significant medical condition properly and your occupational therapy-based treatment options.
  • Learn how to mitigate the crisis caused by the significant medical condition for immediate stress relief.
  • Access proven rehabilitation strategies that speed up recovery.
  • Strengthen family and community connections.
  • Commence integrating the events into your lived experience and look towards a thriving future.

The process has two parts – first the family assessment and second, the implementation of the intervention program.

Completing Part One doesn’t compel you to proceed to Part Two. 

A minimum of three months commitment is required for Part Two to give the process a chance to work.


Packages are composed of the elements relevant to your situation and the investment required reflects that.

There is a price bonus for people who proceed from part one to part two. The value from the results always exceeds the cost of investment.

Payment plans are available.