Welcome to Whole Support Services

Occupational Therapy to assist your whole family to recovery and through rehabilitation from any significant medical condition, injury or disability.

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Our Mission

Whole Support Services works with people who are struggling with a significant medical condition in the family. We help the whole family to adjust and live well.  This covers all aspects of occupational therapy practice –rehabilitation and participation, housing modifications, wheelchair and equipment provision and vocational support.

Furthermore, Whole Support Services works with employers who want to improve their services for people with disabilities. We help them achieve total inclusivity in their environment for a culture of excellent productivity. Please see the vocational services page for more information.

Our Service

Are you struggling to cope with a significant medical condition in your family?

In my experience, the whole family is affected when one member becomes unwell and that experience can be traumatic, unsettling and, ultimately, will change who you are. However, I firmly believe that the change can be for the best and I want to empower families to live well.

Developing a significant medical condition interrupts the expected course of a family’s life and causes stress in all the members. Invisible symptoms and different opinions about what is the best course of action to take creates strife and tension so the barriers to maintaining the normal routines and achieving recovery or rehabilitation seem insurmountable.

For many families, the consequences last long after the funded rehabilitation services discharge the affected person, having barely addressed the other family member’s needs. There is increasing isolation and long term negative effects upon the family members.

Imagine how you would feel if you and your family had enough support to face the challenges that this medical event causes. If a comprehensive service ensured that you were confident about how to navigate your way through, get good quality resources and redefine your lives with new purpose and meaning.

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Who We Can Help

Whole Support Services can work with families composed of all ages and disabilities.
• This is not an exhaustive list of the conditions I can help and you may have more than one condition because it’s not all about the medical condition.
• Parkinson’s disease
• Multiple sclerosis
• Stroke
• Traumatic brain injuries and subarachnoid/subdural haemorrhage
• Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
• Spinal cord injury 
• Depression and anxiety
• Diabetes
• Heart disease
• Lung diseases
• Cancers

Family hiking and admiring a view. One is using a scooter

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Whole Support Services aim is to improve the lives of families affected by significant medical conditions in innovative ways and we will do our utmost to help great ideas get out to the public. To help achieve this we have our online shop and free resources.

Our shop products are chosen for their excellent function and innovation to solve a problem faced by people with significant medical conditions. We also look for superior quality and tasteful design (though you might disagree with us as we can only bring what already exists now, and it may not meet this criteria). Many products are not available in other NZ stores of disability equipment but we also aim to be cost-effective in our pricing where they are. We are intending to expand our range, expand your thoughts about how your quality of life can be improved by products, and really push the boundaries of excellent function,quality design and tasteful style for our clients.

If you have something you want that you can’t find, please get in touch and we will see what we can do. If you have an idea for an invention – with a prototype or not– get in touch and we will see what we can do.

Our free resources pages will be developed and continue to grow so you can gain new insights, tips and tricks to help you on your family’s journey out of barely surviving to thriving if the concierge approach is not appealing for you. Check back regularly as we will add new content. 

Feel free to send in questions of topics you’d like to see covered, notes about things you think people will benefit to know.

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